Is Our Liberty Already Dead?

The dark abyss of totalitarianism has wrapped it ugly arms around the USA and has been choking the life out of Liberty one drop at a time until those drops have become a steady stream bleeding us dry.

The extreme left is intentionally bastardizing everything that has been the foundational status quo of our culture for nearly 250 years.

The political left has shown its pattern of propaganda lies within their narratives so many times that it’s beyond me why anyone would blindly accept any narrative that the political left, their lapdog Pravda-USA media, their woke consumed bureaucracy, or their activist supporters actively push?

What’s happening in our society, culture and politics are all absurdly crazy these days and it’s all on a slippery slope into a totalitarian abyss, it’s truly become, Situation Normal All Fucked Up, aka SNAFU.

Based on observed cultural, societal and political patterns, I see the 2024 election as being a societal and cultural disaster for the United States of America. No matter who is elected, the reactions are going to be bad, and they’re likely to be very bad.

The government/media/corporate bureaucracy, which all seem to be intrinsically linked now, are in charge and that dominating bureaucracy is rapidly approaching being 100% politically dominated by the extreme faction of the political left with an activist Pravda-USA like “progressive” (read regressive) media monopoly completely onboard with in-your-face propaganda. The dominant bureaucracy no longer cares one bit about the United States Constitution and individual rights, many of them hate that the Constitution stops them from achieving what they want and therefore it should be ignored to the point of obscurity.

“Modern day progressivism activists hate the United States of America, yes they literally hate (feel intense or passionate dislike for) the USA. They hate that the 1st Amendment applies to everyone, they hate ethical journalism, they hate the concept of innocent until proven guilty, they hate the justice system and anyone or anything that supports it, they hate civility, they hate the police, they hate anyone that opposes their ideology, they hate a Constitution that dares to allow others to oppose their ideology, they hate that our basic freedoms and Liberty allow some people to make more money than others, they hate that those they oppose have any rights, they project a belief in rights for me but not for thee, they hate the fact that equal opportunity doesn’t equate to equal outcomes, they hate our system of education, they hate that all our history (both good and bad) make us what we are today, they hate the status quo, they hateHateHATE. Their hate is a malignant cancer to our society, our way of life i.e. our culture, and our country and their anti-American ideology viewpoints are growing like a cancer across the entire spectrum of our society.”

Episode VII: Absurdity In The 21st Century Has Somehow Become “Normal”? e.g. Unwarranted & Unproductive Hate Of The Status Quo

We are rapidly reaching the precipice of hate inspired political violence & outright political persecution in the USA and that will slide us down a greased up slippery slope directly into totalitarianism as the dominate political force across the USA and they will either destroy our Constitution or completely ignore that it exists. Remember, as we have seen across the USA, our laws are only good if they are supported and enforced.

Progressives seem to want unhinged cultural chaos and we’re on the verge of giving them what they want.

Yes there are a few beacons of rational thought out there but they are becoming few and far between especially now that the Pravda-USA media doesn’t want any kind of opposing free speech, which they tar as “misinformation”, to be heard by the general public.

Patrick Henry’s professed personal conviction of “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” is now quaint. If 21st century progressives were truly honest, they would profess their personal conviction; if you disagree with them then you are “Evil”.

There is one thing all Classic Liberals, Independents and Conservatives understand equally, it’s the 21st century progressives four tenets of “truth”…

1. Progressives are right.
2. Anyone who disagrees with them is wrong.
3. Wrong is evil.
4. Evil must be destroyed.

…that’s the dead end of the 21st century progressives critical thinking.

The unspoken underlying foundational core that appears to be driving progressives is “rights for me but not for thee”, and they’ll do anything to achieve it…

Fuck Your Liberty!

Our Constitution is dead in the minds of 21st century totalitarian progressives.

My hope for a common sense solution to what ails the USA is all but gone. I think we’re way too deep in the murk of a bureaucracy/progressive dominated society & culture that leans very heavily towards woke totalitarianism to peacefully [UPDATE*] shift back to a Liberty dominated culture that’s inspired by the Constitution and individual rights.

*[UPDATE: December 6, 2023] It was brought to my attention by a commenter over at Ethics Alarms, Michael R., that I forgot the word peacefully in that sentence, I agree with Michael.

5 thoughts on “Is Our Liberty Already Dead?

  1. Agreed, and we’ll-said!
    Just a couple of decades ago, on my more pessimistic days I would have told you that the managed decline of the US would take another generation or two to accomplish. By 2014 I had taken a generation off that estimate due to Obama’s performance as Divider-in-Chief and the apparent apathy of Americans generally and Constitutional conservatives in particular. The election of Donald Trump should have been a wake-up call to the elites that at least a good portion of “we the people” were paying attention, and were well and truly pissed off. But most elites on the Right didn’t wake up, and those on the Left doubled down and unleashed their media, academia, bureaucracy, pop culture and tech industry hounds on Trump, and by extension on all of us “deplorables.” Since Joe Biden has continued the work begun under Obama, I am afraid our freedoms won’t survive through my lifetime. The Republicans seem poised to once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
    For me, the 2024 election will tell the tale. If the Democrats win again “by any means necessary,” they will be emboldened to move even more aggressively against our liberties. The red-tinged photo of Biden giving his most fascistic performance to date is emblematic of what we can expect.
    I try to maintain some hope for a turnaround, but hope is fleeting in the face of continuing federal government overreach and two-tiered justice.
    God help us all.

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