My ChatGPT Experiment


Make up your own mind if ChatGPT is a useful tool based on what I provided or conduct your own experiment. Things like the internet, firearms, vehicles and ChatGPT are all tools created for a purpose and it's your choice if you choose to use them or not, but if you do choose to use them, remember that how you use them reflects on your character.

Toxic Political Rhetoric!


A wide swath of the population on both the political left and right have completely flushed any facade of civility and are now openly verbally attacking each other with impunity and resorting to physical violence as recourse for having a different opinion. Let the far-reaching ripples of your rhetorical pebbles be ones that unite not a tsunami that divides.

Epidemic Levels Of Absurdities Are Infecting Our Society


Who would have thought back in the United States of America's bicentennial celebration year of 1976 that in less than 50 years the solid foundation of morals, ethics, critical thinking, logic, common sense, liberty and the Constitution that the culture of the USA has been built upon would be flipped on its' figurative head and undermined to the point of utter absurdity.