Republicans Are To Blame For… Wait, What?!

The irrational absurdities of the extreme progressive wing of the Democratic Party have really been on a roll lately. Their parroted propaganda narratives are over the edge delusions and have no genuine connection to reality and you don’t have to look any further than the constant twisted logic and false narratives from progressives that Trump and Republicans are Fascists and Republicans are to blame for the very serious illegal immigration problem, yes ILLEGAL immigration, that we’re having. I’ve seen these kinds of arguments from bloggers and Pravda-USA Democratic Party propaganda outlets.

Republicans are to blame for illegal immigration? Seriously?

Republicans have been the ones literally trying to directly address the physical border trying to help prevent literally millions and MILLIONS of immigrants from crossing our border illegally and the political left has literally been the ones creating sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, giving them everything from a free place to live, free transportation, free food, work permits, free healthcare, and even free college tuition plus trying to give amnesty from immigration prosecution. So let me try to understand this delusional twisted logic; Republicans are literally trying to prevent illegal immigration by physically stopping them at the border while the political left is literally enabling illegal immigration in every way they possibly can and yet these delusional people are blaming Republicans?

Wait, What?!

I call bull shit on these box-o-rocks imbeciles!

Their arguments are so transparently delusional that it blows the minds of logical thinking people how some of these ignorant sheeple, immoral propagandists and snarling attack dogs have been thoroughly brainwashed.

The political left has shown its pattern of propaganda lies within their narratives so many times that it’s beyond me why anyone would blindly accept any narrative that the political left, their lapdog Pravda-USA media, their woke consumed bureaucracy, or their activist supporters actively push?
Steve Witherspoon 2022

Delusional progressives that are the driving force behind the political left’s 21st century woke cultural war movement will lie straight to our face and then resort to calling those that disagree with their false narratives fascist, racist, Nazi, white supremist, severely uneducated rubes, clueless, knuckle-draggers, amoral, soulless, unconscionable clowns, have dwarfed reasoning, and insane, etc and use one unethical rationalization after another to try to justify their nonsense when you present actual facts that disputes their lies. Yes these morally bankrupt political hacks launch into pure ad hominem personal attacks without addressing the factual elephants in the room, it’s absurd, it’s morally bankrupt! It’s as if these people are psychologically stunted and never matured beyond their early teen age years when they thought they knew everything.

Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Yes, progressives are hateful bigots.

There is one thing all Classic Liberals, Independents and Conservatives understand equally, it’s the 21st century progressives four tenets of “truth”…

1. Progressives are right.
2. Anyone who disagrees with them is wrong.
3. Wrong is evil.
4. Evil must be destroyed.

…that’s the dead end of the immature 21st progressives critical thinking skills.

Progressives are arrogant delusional supremists and hateful bigots.

I’m absolutely sure that if some delusional progressive could figure a twisted logic method of how to blame Republicans for sliced bread, sun spots and meteorites they would. Always remember, sacred propaganda narratives don’t have to be truthful, all they have to do is convince gullible sheeple and those willfully ignorant people being fed their opinions will spread the sacred word.

What I just presented is “the other perspective about immigrants” that’s actually based on the real facts that are staring us right in the face at this moment in time. The political left needs to yank their collective heads from that dark place the sun never shines and take a peek at reality once in a while, it’s astounding what a little light on reality can do to ones knowledge base to help prevent them from looking like utter imbecilic, culture war, divisive bigots every time they open their mouths.

It’s unfortunate that the political left shows us routinely that…

P.S. If you happen to be a moderate classic liberal and don’t want to be associated with fools like those that claim Trump and Republicans are fascists and Republicans are to blame for our immigration problem, like I linked to above, then how about you grab your bootstraps and step up to the plate to confront those fools and clean out your putrid outhouse.

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