Consider The Following…

Turnkey Totalitarian State: The totalitarian state is erected around you but it’s not activated, then once it’s built the key gets turned. (see video link below for source)

Where has this turnkey totalitarian state been erected around us, it’s in the government/media/corporate bureaucracy, which all seem to be intrinsically linked now. Their tentacles are in everything. They’re in charge and that dominating bureaucracy is rapidly approaching being 100% politically dominated by the extreme faction of the political left (clearly totalitarians) with an activist Pravda-USA like “progressive” (read regressive) media monopoly completely onboard with in-your-face propaganda. The dominant bureaucracy no longer cares one bit about the United States Constitution and individual rights, many of them hate that the Constitution stops them from achieving what they want and therefore it should be ignored to the point of obscurity.

Remember; our Constitution is useless if the dominant totalitarian bureaucracy will not enforce its provisions.

Question: What kind of Trojan Horse will these cultish totalitarians use to destroy your rights; hint, they’ve already done it once on a limited scale, you’ve already been conditioned, what’s stops them from doing it again on a much larger scale.

I’m not a Tucker Carlson fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I have to give him credit where credit is due; ignoring Tuckers antics, he lets his interviewees talk and gives them a public soapbox to warn their fellow Americans about issues that no one else seems to cover.

Personally I think this turnkey totalitarian state is reasonably accurate description of what we’re witnessing across the USA since 2008, and I think they are trying to turn the key and open Pandora’s Box.

Is this all just a conspiracy theory, you decide.

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