The 4th Republican Debate [UPDATE]

I usually don’t watch political debates live anymore, I choose to watch the full video after it’s posted so I have the ability to pause and rewind to watch specific segments again, the 4th Republican Debate last night between Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy was no exception.

The first thing I have to say is that I wouldn’t vote for that ad hominem, insult slinging, piece of shit, political activist, Vivek Ramaswamy even if he were the only Presidential candidate on the ballot in 2024. He is not “presidential”. I personally think he’s vying for the Vice President slot on a Donald Trump ticket. He’s like a young steroid infused Donald Trump v2.0, if you give that man power he will abuse it in ways we never thought possible.

Ron DeSantis seemed to be noticeably uncomfortable and well off his game in this debate. I’m not sure he prepared very well for this debate, he must have thought it was in the bag. Why the unethical loose cannon mouthed Donald Trump gave him the pure ad hominem nickname “sanctimonious” was obvious to me in this debate. I’m also having a bit of a problem trusting what I hear from him, I’m really skeptical about his relationship with the truth. I felt like all I got from DeSantis was prepared talking points without any real spontaneity, pure deflection, pure politician. He presented a different demeanor facade in this debate, it wasn’t what I have been seeing in interviews. Maybe he’s a much better administrator than he is a debater. I think DeSantis is borderline “presidential” at this point in time, that may change as time goes on.

Nikki Haley was on the defense throughout almost the entire debate, trying to defend herself against one personal and policy attack after another and frankly I don’t think she defended herself very well or presented herself as “presidential” but I think she definitely has the intellectual potential to learn quickly. We don’t currently need a president that feels the need to constantly defend themself, they need to have thicker skin than that, move beyond the personal and political attacks, be the adult in the room, and push their policy agendas. Haley needs some more knowledge and debate coaching.

Chris Christie was himself. One thing I can depend on from Christie is complete candor and he delivered once again in very clear and precise ways. Christie was the adult in the room. I many not agree with every single thing Christie says, but I believe that he is a man that has returned to his core integrity after his brief political hiatus during the 2016 presidential campaign when it was very clear to me and others that he wanted to be the Vice Presidential pick on a Donald Trump presidential ticket which was a big mistake. It was very obvious to me that there was a active choice not give Christie much air time.

My favorite moments happened to be Christie moments, first there was this needed Mr. Obvious revelation…

…then there was this moment where Christie confronted Ramaswamy about his Haley insults…

Here is how I’d rate the debate based on my perception of candidate character/integrity…
4th Place: Vivek Ramaswamy
3rd Place: Ron DeSantis
2nd Place: Nikki Haley
1st Place: Chris Christie

Here is how I’d rate the debate based on my perception of presenting their policy views…
4th Place: Chris Christie
3rd Place: Nikki Haley
2nd Place: Ron DeSantis
1st Place: Vivek Ramaswamy

Here is how I’d rate the debate based on my perception of complete candor…
4th Place: Ron DeSantis
3rd Place: Nikki Haley
2nd Place: Vivek Ramaswamy
1st Place: Chris Christie

Here is how I’d rate the debate based on my perception of NOT eating their own…
4th Place: Vivek Ramaswamy
3rd Place: Ron DeSantis
2nd Place: Chris Christie
1st Place: Nikki Haley

Here is how I’d rate the debate based on my perception of being the adult in the room…
4th Place: Vivek Ramaswamy
3rd Place: Ron DeSantis
2nd Place: Nikki Haley
1st Place: Chris Christie

Here is how I’d rate the debate based on my perception of a candidate being “presidential”…
4th Place: Vivek Ramaswamy
3rd Place: Nikki Haley
2nd Place: Ron DeSantis
1st Place: Chris Christie

I give the moderators a great big FAIL for not setting better ground rules, not actively stopping the candidates from talking over one another and not stopping personal attacks and another great big FAIL goes out to the candidates for actively talking over one another.

Electability: I think Chris Christie is borderline electable if he were to get the nomination but out of the people on that debate stage that I would prefer to vote for, he’s it. If Christie were to get the nomination I think the whole of the Republican Party could easily get behind him and push him over the electability line but he’ll never get the nomination. I like Nikki Haley but if she got the nomination I don’t think she can win. I definitely see Haley as a viable VP candidate but of course that would depend on who else is on the ticket. If the Republicans were to nominate Vivek Ramaswamy or Donald Trump they will not get my vote in 2024; it would take an unpredictable act of God to change my opinion on that. I currently think that Ron DeSantis is the only person that is electable if he were to get the nomination, Haley could be a VP choice. Based on what I’ve seen running to date in the Republican Party, there are two Republican tickets that I could currently vote for to run against a Biden/Harris ticket, either Christie/Haley or DeSantis/Haley.

Lastly; I’m really irritated by all the “eating their own” political bull shit from ALL the presidential candidates in primaries regardless of which side of the political aisle they’re on. It’s all or nothing for these 21st century candidates. It’s as if these Republican candidates are trying to portray their fellow conservatives as either evil or progressives, and for the Democrats if you disagree with them then you’re a fascist Republican. It’s destructive political behavior regardless of what party is doing it.

The vast majority of this kind of “eating you own” bull shit has got to stop!

Overall, when it comes to politics, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

[EDIT: December 7, 2023] I fixed a couple of typos and one ranking error.

[UPDATE: December 26, 2023] I gave Chris Christie the benefit of the doubt for too long, all he seems to be able to offer is his very public disdain for Trump and that he’s not Trump. A lot of the things he says about Trump need to be heard but I can’t support him as a presidential candidate any longer.

One thought on “The 4th Republican Debate [UPDATE]

  1. Just you watch, the dems will parachute in Michelle Obama at some perfectly orchestrated moment. One can already see the rug slowly being pulled out from under pedo-jo by the Pravda media. Not sure any of these four can beat her, but Christie would have the best chance. Would help if he lost 50lbs or so.


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