Do You Condone Extorting, Intimidating & Persecuting Others?


To harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief.

To treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their race, religion, or political beliefs, or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone.

Subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs.

To treat someone extremely badly, or to refuse them equal rights, especially because of their race, religion, or political beliefs.

We have a very SERIOUS problem in the United States of America (USA) right now, it has somehow become quite popular to exhibit blatantly open persecution against those with differing opinions. The Constitution and inalienable human rights be damned.

“Jews are not wanted here.” 

This is only the half of it; we also have another very SERIOUS problem in the USA right now, it has somehow become quite popular to intimidate (frighten or overawe someone in order to make them do what one wants) those with opposing opinions to conform to their will and they’re openly doing this to the point of open extortion (the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats). The Constitution and inalienable human rights be damned.

This is all being done right under our nose and in spite of all the individual rights enumerated and implied in the Constitution of the United States of America and world-wide inalienable human rights and you, yes YOU, might knowingly or unknowingly be a part of it.

Here in the United States of America and in fact all over the world we have inalienable human rights to choose what we put in or do not put in our bodies and that includes medical treatments. Here in the United States of America the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that women have the right to choose their medical treatments even if that medical treatment ends the life of a utterly helpless human being. Now we have the government of the United States of America and businesses literally extorting their employees into getting a medical treatment or they will loose their job, loose their livelihood, loose their means of providing for themselves and their families. Then on top of that literal extortion, there is direct and indirect persecution of those that choose not to receive a specific medical treatment thus intentionally excluding them from normal activities throughout our society simply based on their medical treatment choice.

This literal extortion, intimidation and classic persecution based on a medical choices is WRONG, it’s inhumane, it’s unconstitutional, it’s anti-human rights, it’s totalitarian, it’s hive minded anti-American bull shit. This is a terribly slippery slope that liberty and freedom minded people should publicly condemn and actively oppose!

People have a basic human right to choose what medical treatment to receive or refuse for their own bodies and those that are extorting and persecuting based on whether a person has gotten a COVID vaccine or not are choosing to push forth a totalitarian view of society and culture that is pure anti-American and anti-human rights. Is this really what We the People have chosen to do to those that have differing opinions; extort them, intimidate them, persecute them until absolute conformity to your narcissistic opinionated views and the man is achieved? Denying something to people that do not have a COVID-19 vaccine passport is active persecution of those that do not have one, it’s the same kind of persecuting as putting the Star of David on the Jews in 1930’s-1940’s Germany or signs that read “White’s Only” in the USA many years ago!

Really, this hysterical reactionary bull shit is what we’ve become?

Haven’t we learned anything from our sorted histories?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccines have become far, FAR to political in the USA and the over-reactions to the situation are turning into a cancer to our society eating away at the edges of our core building blocks of society, our individual constitutional and basic human rights, these things are being undermined and the more we allow them to be undermined the more insignificant they become the worse the problem of rights will become. We’ve seen multiple times in world history what happens when one group of people think another group don’t have basic constitutional or human rights.


If you are part of or agree with the extortion, intimidation and persecution then YOU are one of the ones that are morally wrong and part of the problem.

Stop extorting!

Stop intimidating!

Stop persecuting!

I choose to not engage in these immoral activities and publicly speak out against them, what’s your choice.

P.S. I chose to be vaccinated. [Added 8/8/2021]

5 thoughts on “Do You Condone Extorting, Intimidating & Persecuting Others?

  1. The vaccine did not become politicized until they started pushing it for people under 60.

    In the beginning, the vaccination campaign had near-unanimous support when it targeted the elderly. A year of observations supported that.

    Resistance started when the vaccination campaign turned to vaccinating low-risk people, as if it became some sort of moral crusade.

    Here is some data.

    Ages 80+*: Population demo size: 2,855,599, Number of recorded deaths overall: 47,052 (approx 54% of total recorded deaths) So, if we assume the vaccine reduces death by 90%, and we could have achieved 100% vaccination on day 1 of the pandemic, 0.90 * 47052 = 42,347 deaths could have been prevented.*

    This translates to 1 life saved for every 67.4 doses given, amongst this age group.

    Ages 0-19: Population demo size: 13,330,355, Number of recorded deaths overall: 45 (approx 0.1% of total recorded deaths) So, if we assume the vaccine reduces death by 90%, and we could have achieved 100% vaccination on day 1 of the pandemic, 0.90 * 45 = 41 deaths could have been prevented.

    – u/Reasonable-World-154

    My position has been constant. Young, healthy people do not need the vaccine. it should ber available to young people now, as some of them, may have risk factors that nullify the defense provided by their youth.

    But it is a waste of time and money to convince them to want to be vaccinated.


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