Guest Post: The Political Exploitation of Children

In September of 2021 I posted a blog titled “Imagine If You Will…” which covered, in part, the responsibilities of people engaging in sexual intercourse whether it was consensual or not. Below is a guest post that I think is a logical thought extension of my earlier post that looks at the overall abortion controversy and the morals from a different angle that I had not thought of. The author is a commenter using the psydonyme Steve-O-in-NJ and he writes about a very difficult subject that most people veer away from, not Steve-O-in-NJ, and not me.

How this guest post came to be is, I am a regular reader and participant over at Ethics Alarms and Jack Marshall posted a blog titled “Ethics Quiz: 32,260 Babies” where he discussed in part…

CNN reported a study this week that found that after the Dobbs decision correcting Roe v. Wade that had wrongly held that there was a constitutional right to abortion, 32,260 fewer abortions took place from July to December 2022 compared to the average monthly number of abortions before Dobbs.

Jack then offered the readers to participate in an ethics quiz

Is there a valid, intellectually honest argument that 32,000 living human beings who would not be alive were Roe still in place constitutes anything but an ethical result?

The following guest post is the combination of two of Steve-O-in-NJ comments in that subsequent comment thread and from my point of view the two comments reasonably flowed together. I used the majority of the first comment as the introduction paragraph and the second comment is everything else.

Without further ado, here is the thought provoking guest post.


I think most humans born alive would prefer to have been born alive. The pro-choice movement can twist and turn and justify it anyway they want, but the fact is that 32,000 lost lives by any other means would be something most of them would be horrified at. If a natural disaster took the lives of 32,000 children, the same people would be all up in arms about funding and preparedness and everything else. If a war resulted in the deaths of 32,000 children they would be pointing to the government and those politically opposed to them and saying that those children’s blood was on their hands. God forbid 32,000 children died from shootings, or you’ll really be hearing about it. But 32,000 children living who would otherwise be medical waste, that’s even worse than all of those things.

As far as the left is concerned, children, like anyone and anything else, are just pawns. They are preserved or expended depending on what they do for the cause. In this case, preserving the right to abortion above all other rights and expanding it into the third trimester and even up to the moment of birth is away to guarantee votes from single women whose numbers are already off the charts with the Democratic Party. It’s part of the worship of self that has become the Democratic Party’s undergirding philosophy.

Single women don’t give a damn about anything except themselves, and they’re being encouraged not to give a damn about anything except themselves. That’s logical when you consider that they are brought up on a steady diet of perfect Disney princesses, self empowerment, and the idea that they are not only entitled to everything, but entitled to the best of everything, just for showing up. Why shouldn’t they think that they are entitled to carry on like cheap Las Vegas or New Orleans whores on a busy weekend and avoid even the smallest consequence? Responsibility? What’s that? How dare anyone suggest that any woman actually take responsibility for her own actions? If she had to do that then she might become one of those women who actually has to run a household and budget and make choices and actually put someone else ahead of herself sometimes. One more guaranteed Democratic vote out the window.

As for children, as I said, the Democratic Party only sees children as valuable when it can exploit them. There have to be some, after all, without them there would not be a next generation to indoctrinate. However, there are always far more than are needed. So, to sacrifice a few here and there to advance the cause is no big deal. It pays to have a few children, or more than a few, die in a natural disaster or an outbreak when the other party is in power. That way, you can point to everything the other party did wrong, then point to the dead children, and say that their blood is on the other party’s hands. It pays to have a large number of children killed or displaced in a war, whether it be one of the left supports, or one of the left opposes. If it’s one of the left supports, they can say that more money and more resources need to be thrown into this war to prevent more of this. If it’s one they oppose, they can point and say oh how horrible, this has to stop. It pays to have children perish or suffer while trying to cross our border, often not something they wanted to do in the first place, then they can point and say that we are heartless and it needs to be even easier to get into this country. It really pays when a lot of children die in a mass shooting, because then they can beat everyone else over the head with it and say that if you own a gun or are in favor of lawful gun ownership those children’s blood is on your hands. They can also say that something needs to be done, push more bad laws through, and try to move the society further and further towards being helpless at the mercy of government. Dead children are actually a very valuable commodity for the left.

However, talk about children dead in the womb, and suddenly they don’t see children at all. They’re just globs of tissue that become medical waste, and if you see it differently, you must be an oppressor who hates women and sees them as nothing more than your domestic slaves and brood mares. How dare you think about taking a promising executive or lawyer or other professional out of the workforce and making her delay her career for 3 or 4 years while she deals with raising a child, especially one she has second thoughts about having in the first place? How dare you force a rape victim to carry her attacker’s child? How dare you turn your back on a 12 year old abused by her creepy uncle and now carrying a child long before she’s ready to do so? How dare you force a woman suffering from cancer of the womb carry the child there to term and risk death?

Somehow innocent children aren’t so innocent when they are inconvenient. Somehow precious children aren’t terribly precious when they upset their mother’s plans. Somehow individual children lose their individuality when unborn, or I should say do not receive their individuality until they are born, despite the fact that they already have their own DNA code but no one else has in the womb.

It’s a very ugly truth, and it’s a truth that is not comfortable to think about. It should not be comfortable to think about. It should never be comfortable thinking about deciding who lives and who dies. It should never be comfortable to wonder if you are playing God. It should never be comfortable treating people like they are not people or like they count less than other people. It should not be comfortable picking out the team for a “forlorn hope” mission that is necessary, but almost guaranteed to kill some of them. It should not be comfortable sending that rescue boat out into the storm from whence it may not return. It should not be comfortable deciding to throw your resources into evacuating your main army while a smaller garrison is left to die at the enemy’s hands or be hauled off into a captivity worse than death. And it should definitely not be comfortable deciding that this person did something so awful that his own life is forfeit for it. If this is the case, how comfortable should it be deciding that the child in your womb, which did not get there by accident, will never have a chance at life? Somehow the left has managed to divorce the last from all the rest.

We here endless talk from the left about safe spaces now. We hear about how our neighborhoods should be safe, our schools should be safe, every place should be a safe place for all kinds of people, especially children. It doesn’t seem to strike them as even a little bit ironic that the safest place of all for a child, in the womb, is the one place that is completely unsafe.

It’s like I said in another post talking about comparing some of the more extreme wokeness to Nazism – this is the kind of thing nobody wants to talk about. This is the kind of thing that nobody wants to think about. This is the kind of thing that everyone wishes would just go away. This is the kind of thing we would just as soon drown in a glass of wine or self-medicate away with marijuana or some other drug, or forget with yet another distraction on our phone or computer. The scary part is that the left with just as soon let us do just that. Fill your glass again, take another hit, turn to yet another one of the many channels available out there, but don’t think about this, at least not until we tell you you should. Other issues, though? Put down that glass, put your phone back in your pocket, close your laptop, these are things that you can’t ignore and it need to get dealt with right now, and if you don’t join in, then you’re a bad person.

I know it’s not even 7:00 a.m. as I write these words, and they’re pretty heavy reading while you wait for your coffee to kick in. However, the other side wouldn’t let you drink your coffee, eat your breakfast, or do almost anything in peace 3 years ago. I don’t think asking you to read and think on a few things between sips of overpriced coffee and bites of a bagel, before everything gets swallowed up in the work day, is that much of an imposition.


There it is. Thought provoking to say the least.

Thank you Steve-O-in-NJ for allowing this, it definitely fits the core theme of my blog which is “Critically Thinking About Things That Change Society”.

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