Our Last Effective Non-Violent Barrier Against Totalitarianism

It’s been said by some intelligent observers that the USA now “meets all the criteria of a totalitarian state“. I understand the frustration these observers have and I know where they’re coming from, but I’m not so sure that that statement is accurate, I don’t think we’re “a totalitarian state”, at least not yet, but we’re certainly heading down a greased up slippery slope and rapidly approaching the drop off into the dark abyss of totalitarianism.

Even though there are many, many signs of totalitarianism around us, as an observant commenter over at Ethics Alarms shared with us, at this point in time we actually still have a Constitution, a Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Courts in each state, and the rule of law that if all used effectively can drag us back from the edge and falling completely into the abyss of totalitarianism. I think it’s signature significant that I’m now resigned to the fact that lawyers wielding our justice system may be our only hope to effectively combat the slide towards totalitarianism and the hope for the future of the USA, who would have thought I’d come to that conclusion. For that to happen, there must be and actual effort to use those tools to accomplish the task before we can see any results.

Since common sense, critical thinking, logic and liberty all seem to be dead and buried in our new hive-minded 21st century social justice “woke” world and the population across the USA seems to be electing one irrational totalitarian hive-minded fool after another, what we as supporters of the Constitution and Liberty are doing politically hasn’t slowed the process. Our courts appear to be the last barrier to prevent a complete shift to a totalitarianism state, at lease that is the last barrier we have that’s short of using bullets and violence. The problem is that that last barrier is showing undue signs of being actively influenced by these hive-minded totalitarians and there are many, many of these totalitarian hive-minded people on their way to the judicial system via students in our law colleges and they will effectively destroy the system.

What we’re seeing from faculty and students in our colleges is very predictive of our future leaders 10-15 years from now and our judges and justices in 15-25 years. We are seeing right now what the future of our our society, culture and form of government is going to morph into and it’s evident that we are in serious trouble. A brainwashed cult of hive-minded irrational social justice woke warriors is on the rise and many of them are attending law schools and all we have to do is pay reasonable attention to how their puzzle pieces fit the current pattern of our cultural and political shift. What’s happening is in our law colleges is not a good sign, the light at the end of the tunnel really does appear to be an oncoming train and it’s going to plow through our culture, rights and politics as if they don’t exist.

How the heck did we get to a place where it’s apparent that the next generation of legal leaders are going to destroy the longest surviving Constitutional Republic that’s ever existed?

Remember back in 2008 when Obama called “progressive” activists to action during his Presidential campaign, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”. That speech was a catalyst and the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States after that speech was a signature significant moment in the history of the United States and it had nothing to do with Obama being a black man, it had everything to do with the push for “progressive” (oxymoron, it’s actually regressive) change. The political left publicly announced that they want to fundamentally change the USA at its very core and they have been actively undermining everything that makes the USA what it is ever since that speech in 2008. These people have shown us by their rhetoric, actions and hysteria that they hate the USA.

Yes these absurd “progressives”, and those that support them, literally hate (feel intense or passionate dislike for) the USA, it’s hysteria. Their absurd hysteria and hate is an obsession against the status quo. They hate that the 1st Amendment applies to everyone, they hate ethical journalism, they hate the concept of innocent until proven guilty, they hate the justice system and anyone or anything that supports it, they hate civility, they hate the police, they hate anyone that opposes their ideology, they hate a Constitution that dares to allow others to oppose their ideology, they hate that our basic freedoms and Liberty allow some people to make more money than others, they hate that those they oppose have any rights, they project a belief in rights for me but not for thee, they hate the fact that equal opportunity doesn’t equate to equal outcomes, they hate our system of education, they hate that all our history (both good and bad) make us what we are today, they hate the status quo, they hate, Hate, HATE. They are completely consumed by their hate and their hate has eaten their objectivity, critical thinking and common sense and it’s a malignant cancer eating away at our entire way of life.

The modern political left hates and fears anyone that thinks different from them, that’s what cultish hive-minded propaganda does to hive minded people that have been conditioned for a long time to be extremely biased against those they disagree with. If you’re consumed with hate, it’s likely that you’re going to project that hate on others and when hate drives you, you ignore things like ethics, morality, common sense, critical thinking, logic and your psyche caves in to fear. All this leads to irrational and hysterical thinking and fear which in turn produces absurdity in the world around them. The absurdity of the left’s hate is evident all across the USA and, as a result of all their hate, anti-American totalitarianism is on the rise.

Our colleges, including law schools, are political cesspools incubating indoctrinated totalitarians and those totalitarians are what’s going to be the next generation of leaders, I think it’s fair to predict that this next generation of legal leaders will not wield justice with a blindfold. Our law schools are graduating indoctrinated political activists NOT ethical lawyers.

Lady Justice

Justice is to be meted out impartially, without regard to the identity of the individual being tried, that’s why Lady Justice has a blindfold covering her eyes.

If we allow these brainwashed cult of hive-minded irrational social justice woke warriors to gain control of our justice system and the courts, then the rule of law and the Constitution will be effectively done and that’s when you can accurately state that we are ruled by a Orwellian styled totalitarian state. That’s when justice will take its blindfold off completely and look more what an unjust persecuting society looks like…

Is this what you want?

We can’t allow our last non-violent barrier to totalitarianism to be destroyed by irrational totalitarian hive-minded people!

5 thoughts on “Our Last Effective Non-Violent Barrier Against Totalitarianism

  1. During a recent confirmation hearing, the Biden nominee for a Denver district court seat (Magistrate Judge Kato Crews) couldn’t even define what a Brady Motion (one of THE bedrock aspects of criminal law!) was.

    We Are All Born Ignorant, But One Must Work Hard To Remain Stupid.” Anon

    The Gotch

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  2. “We can’t allow our last non-violent barrier to totalitarianism to be destroyed by irrational totalitarian hive-minded people!”

    I agree with your premise, and I do see some signs of hope, particularly as several Second Amendment cases wind their way through the legal system. If the courts, led by SCOTUS, can clarify the plain language of the Constitution and rein in the rogue BATFE and several anti-gun state legislatures, then I will be really encouraged.

    We “normals” must utilize the legal system against infringements of our rights by the Left. This will force the system -including the courts- to either uphold our rights or show their true totalitarian colors.

    As long as we continue sliding down this slippery slope, I have to keep asking the same question I recently posed in an EA comment: When is it not too early to resist, but not too late? How do we spot the precise point at which we stand at the brink of losing our freedoms, perhaps permanently, just one step before the government takes away our ability to effectively resist?

    One of my great fears is that most nominally conservative Americans will continue to normalize the increasing diminishment of our liberties, so long as the electricity, cable TV and Internet stay on, and gas is below $10.00 per gallon. They might act much like the “good Germans” of WWII, paying their taxes, going to work, raising their families… and ignoring the smoke and stench from the death camps. Eventually, their turn to figuratively board the cattle cars will come, but by then it will be too late.

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  3. I campaigned for one of our former ADAs who was elected as a criminal court judge last year. He has been in office for six months now, and he has been a breath of fresh air for this decidedly stale system.
    One of the first things he tackled was the backlog of cases on the docket. He has tightened up on continuing cases, whether the continuance is requested by the defense or by the prosecution. (The previous judge had apparently, for twelve years, run the docket for the convenience of the lawyers.) He has also increased bonds and enforced conditions of bail and failure-to-appear laws much more consistently. He established a code of conduct for those appearing in and attending court. If you show up in court dressed for a day at the beach, you will be told to go home and change into more appropriate attire. If you talk aloud in the courtroom or cause a disturbance of any kind, you will be escorted out (or held in contempt in the most egregious cases). The result is a much speedier trial process and defendants who now show up when they are supposed to, without being dragged (again) into court after they were granted bail. The officers like not having to needlessly appear in court multiple times in order to move a case along. His court is a more civil and decorous place than it had previously become. Even our Public Defender is singing his praises. Now the DA’s office is working with other judges to spread these changes throughout our four-county circuit.
    We definitely need better management of our courts, and it is possible to achieve that.

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